Norlund Legal Information Institute

Thomas Archipelago Natural Resources Protection Act 2020

An Act to ensure the continued existence of the Thomas Archipelago Nature Preserve.

Status information

Currency of version

Repealed on 28 December 2020

Legislation on this site is usually updated within 3 working days after a change to the legislation.

1 Regular inspections

  1. Norlund shall inspect the Thomas Archipelago nature preserve on a semi-regular basis to identify any offending settlements or natural destruction in the area of the preserve.
  2. Norlund shall post images of any offending settlements or destruction in the preserve in a public area for all denizens of the world to see.
  3. Norlund shall not conduct this inspection at the expense of other, more vital endeavors.

2 King to supervise enforcement

  1. The King shall supervise the enforcement of this law because of His great personal interest in nature.

3 Chief Nature Warden

  1. The King may also appoint a Chief Nature Warden to protect this area as well as any other natural preserves within Norlund.
  2. After identifying offending settlements or natural destruction, the Chief Nature Warden shall destroy the settlements or pursue the offending parties.
  3. The Chief Nature Warden may call the Norlish Guard to his aid should the Norlish Guard not be preoccupied with other, more vital, military matters.
  4. To supervise the preserve, the Chief Nature Warden has the authority to establish a small and non-invasive headquarters either within the vicinity of the preserve or nearby. He may also build fences between the preserve and nearby nations.
  5. The Chief Nature Warden shall report any concerns regarding nations near the preserve to the King.
  6. The Chief Nature Warden does not have the authority to take action against sovereign entities.

4 Infrastructure and resources

  1. No regular funding except for salary or repairs shall be allocated to this endeavor.
  2. The infrastructure (boats, armor) necessary to survive the trip shall be provided to the Chief Nature Warden.
Last edited by jamietech on 28 December 2020: Amend Constitution Act (CA14) (1433cac)
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